Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today's good and bad news.

First the bad news.  Well it is more just a temporary set back.  The guys went out to put the footings in today and realized that there is only 8" of ground above them so they need to dig it out some more (that's what I said yesterday!!).  So they are supposed to be back with the equipment -hopefully tomorrow- to dig out another 20". 
Which brings me to the good news.  We may have sold our current house!  The buyers have until the 23rd to lift conditions which are basically the inspections.  It is a cash sale so we don't have to worry about them selling their house or confirming their financing.  Who can pay for a house with cash??  Anyway we were hoping for a bit higher price but the possession is for the end of July so that was a big selling feature for us.  At least that way we shouldn't have to rent and move twice.  Keep your fingers crossed for us that the inspections go well.
That's all for tonight...

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a blog. CASH!!! HMMMMM oh well not your neighbours right!!
